Saturday, October 18, 2008

The man that Paces

The man that paces.
He turns when he sees faces
In lost fervor he walks
For he is a tree in the fall
When he fears that no one will call

Those who refrain in the street.
They station stopped at their feet
In ignorance and deception they stand
For many have become before me,
But when they came they could not see.

The last day on the field was yesterday and it was interesting. this whole week has just been interesting. Ive been learning how to let God speak through me and just to let him talk about His good news in which i am just a messenger to. Its been heart breaking to hear how many people just have been deceived by false doctrine because their pastors discourage them to read the bible. Namely catholics, and in Islam's case, the koran, which claims that Jesus will come back and judge all people ( do you know that Muhammad said that he does not know where he is going? (in terms of heaven and hell) and yet they claim that Jesus will come to judge them And that Jesus Lead a sinless life, but apparently hes still not the son of God...)

People back home. Get real. And start to live your life for Christ. we shouldn't have to go a special place to preach the gospel.
Lose your self, lose who you were and become set apart In Jesus name because we have been made holy through Christ. sanctified through Christ! ( i came to africa to teach music and ended up preaching the gospel and as soon as this trip is over im going back to teach music at a bible college but when I get home I will be preaching through music)

Ive been reading acts. its intense and quite encouraging to know that we are not persecuted like them. (ie. the stoning of stephen and the stoning of paul, which he was lucky enough to actually live from. ) but at the same time. if we dont face any persecution or opposition are we really doing our job?

Like I said earlier... get real. stop looking for spiritual Highs and depending on them for your faith and start trusting God through ALL times in your life. we are called to persevere through the junk that Satan throws at us because with God we cant be moved. ( Sprirtual Highs are not bad, dont get me wrong but they become bad when you think that God is with us that moment and then when things get bad hes not. People should get over themselves and recognize that with opposition comes Help (if you ask for it) from God above)

If your offended by any of this... im not here to coexist but to show people the one and only truth and salvation through Jesus Christ. (understand that im filled with compassion for people (thats kind of why im here) and that i dont hate people or other religions, rather i hate false doctrine and sin. because the whole reason Jesus Came down to this earth because God is a compassionate God and he wanted us to have a way to be with him. God created us for a relationship and he views us as his children.)

Hey if you know Katelyn Crosley Pray for her (even if you dont know her) shes sick and does not feel good.
also pray for the Tanzania team that our church sent over here (that i met up coming down from uganda)(haha up down) there having trouble with the E-tickets to fly back home. and as we reach the time for them to fly back to the states and me to make the journey with Morris and Aida and the rest of the translators back to Uganda, Pray for Safety in travel.

I miss all of you a lot and I hope everything is well! ill be posting some pictures up tonight.

Heres my Challenge, Take this week and read romans all the way through. its really not that long. oh and before you do that read acts chapter 8 about philip and the ethiopian and when it comes to the quoted text ( talking about isaiah) go back and read it. its awesome!

The Sheep who is carried by his Shepherd,
