So lately ive been taking alot of pictures. so i just thought id share some with you. at the same time as kind of letting you know whats been on my heart.
Just to let you all know, Morris and Aidah (the Pastor and Wife I stayed with) stayed at our house for a few days about a month ago
( i actually was going to post this a month ago but... i guess it just never happened)
I figured id tell you whats going on in my life since its been so long and i havent really talked to anyone in awhile.
For starters im in school, im taking 14 hours and i work 30 hours a week.
im going to school at hcc and i work at Sun and ski sports(a surprisingly fun place to work.)
i am actually busy. and i thought i was busy in uganda. haha.
basically things have been quite fast paced and very unthoughtful and unexpected. i just go through each day so quickly and complacent. but i think im getting a handel on how im supposed to handle it all. One thing is for sure, ive been laking fellowship(because of how busy i am) and have been dropped into a severely non christian environment. and its been taking a toll on me.
One thing i have realized is this:
When I was in africa i learned to get real and to start serving the Lord with a full heart and i had so many people backing me and i was surrounded with Godly people like pastor Morris and when the Grace team and i were in tanzania, all the people who came just like me to serve God. I had so much support and God worked through me because i was in line with him, but to put me to the test... he brought me back, first to a slow moving, awkward, stagnate-all-of-the-sudden life style and then he put me in two places where He was the last to be thought of... (or at least thought of with love and reverence...)
God wants us to be with him and have the same passions everywhere we go. There are no exceptions. and being busy isnt one by far. and ive realized how icky i feel inside, how much i miss being in Gods ministry out in a foreign country half way across the world. But an interesting thing came up as all of this was talking place. the attitude of "getting real" pertained as much as it did then as it does now and ive already said that but on sunday mornings at church the pastor started preaching out of the book of malachi, which most people haven't read or even know it exists.
it is the last book of the old testament and talks mostly about how Israel(under the old covenant) was defiling Gods property and his deserved reverence and worship. the people offered sick and lame animals to him as sacrifices because that is what they had to spare and because that is what they didnt want. the priests did not teach truth and God was as far away from their thoughts as what the former president of Micronesia must be doing right now or "where is carmen san diego? and what happened to all of those games?"
and i thought to myself. "boy, ive really been giving God nothing and haven't devoted any time to him, And i dont even think about him at all somedays"
doesnt sound right when you had such great experiences huh?
God comes close who come close to him. and just because we pray or sing about Him doesnt mean it comes from our hearts. simply talking about him occasionally or mentioning him doesnt cut it.
people ask, "why has God done this to me, or Where is God" and yet at church they simply take up space because of formality. Being in a church doesnt mean God is there. in fact he hates churches that are filled with people that just take up space. in malachi God says to Israel to just shut the gates of the temple because it is better with you not in it that for you to fill it with customs and formalitys if it is not pleasing to Me. (not a direct quote read it yourself in malachi, the book right before matthew, its not very long)
anyway, if anyone wants to start fellowship with me on like tuesday or something thursday or friday night is fine too, than let me know i will soo gladly come together with you in the name of Christ.
i hope you all have a really good weekend, and i wish someone would come visit me... at sun and ski........... hint hint (ask me when i work)
The sheep who often strays because of complacency but is always Shot at, woken up, and then returned by his Modern Shepherd with a rope-net gun and then carried back in a net full of stickers (and i mean paper stickers that say"moron" or "i like to flee into danger because i see candy" ),
P.S. those pictures are old. i mean like a month old. haha