You know, I love pancakes. They’re awesome in the morning, and I’ve been having them every few days. I love just sprinkling a small amount of sugar on them and nothing else. Very nice with a good cup of tea.
So in the last two posts I have been kind of discouraged but really, after I talked with pastor morris on Monday God reveled himself to me as I asked him to the night before, by showing me that this place I am staying at is one of the most amazing blessings I could have over here in Uganda. I feel so blessed to be here in this place and I think my heart has been tested like a chain in a pulley lifting things that surely would break my links, but God has fortified my line so that I am much stronger than before. But being Human I still doubt that sometimes.
But non-the less I am so glad God is behind me. I just need to remember that when I am being stretched and tested.
I had a great class today and am starting to understand how to teach with structure.
Right now I am used to my schedule and love teaching! I have concluded that God has given me a Gift to teach music and that this is what I am supposed to do and I am doing it. Last week I guess I wasn’t used to full days of teaching but for some reason now that I have even more to do, I am ready each day to take on a full day with the joy of teaching with a full heart! I have so much fun in my class that I teach at school and I think that Is my favorite part of the day. But my private lessons are good too.
Teaching is such a hard thing to do and it takes perseverance and the willingness to do it. You all need to go and thank you teachers for what they do. Any teacher because teaching is so much hard work and its way harder than being a student. Because unlike students teachers are doing more each night and more during the day than students are and they work twice as hard to make sure that even the ones who don’t care learn. Thank your teachers for doing what they do and have the consideration that they’re people too. I can confirm that… haha I am a teacher now. Thank those who normally wouldn’t be thanked, thank the hard teachers, and thank those who no one likes because everyday they do so much for our welfare… college students… well. Im not sure what to say there some professors don’t care, but that’s just what I hear, but thank them anyway. Show Love to those who cant love, girls, This does not by any means mean date some guy you know who is in a wrong path, “but he’s going to change through my Love that im showing him”… no hes not, but if you take your story to ABC family I think you will find that they will use it to make another depressing, old, indoctrinating series called “lets be casual and through around words we don’t mean!” or “teenagers know things.” Or “I don’t think we’ve established enough that High schoolers make really great tv shows” Cough cough high school isn’t a place for love of that kind.
Girls and maybe even guys (in my case) if you want to show someone what love is than don’t waste your time dating them, only deception can come from a relation ship based on wanting to “save” the other person. You can only end up hurt or really confused in the end. First take a walk in the bible, look for love in your concordance and start reading up. But like the first post I wrote “Love. An Anthem.” Read 1 Corinthians 13. Then 1 john Ch. 4 v. 7-end.
Is seems that I have talked about these verses a lot. Well… I think that’s because I want you to read them.
Moving towards a quite random section of this post( get ready its really random)
I have actually updated my calendar and actually put things on it. Its cool. Maybe I can learn to use it and keep using it. I feel very official using my computer calendar and actually having things to fill it with too.
I want to ask a question, Mainly to my band. Would you be up to caroling when I get back? Laying down some Christmas tracks?( ive been looking at a calendar and that makes me think ahead) Because im so down with that. But I wont have a guitar when I get back… so yeah. Although I think ukulele or auto harp would be quite fun and different than the usual when people go caroling haha. “Umm excuse me we would like to sing some songs for you.” (while holding some strange instruments…) they’d say “are you in a cult?” haha and I would say “why yes, the autoharp ukulele friendship belief system tailored to fit what people want” and then they’d say “ohh yes I heard about that. Can I join? “ and then id say. “im sorry only a few people can get into heaven. Only those who know the theme song to happy mountain by heart in three languages and on multiple instruments!“
What a disappointment. They would think. I think. Maybe. Maybe not. Well… definitely not. Anyway
Anyone who wants to join the new cause “ teenagers know what Love is”
Ohhh mime rhymes with mine. Well… kind of but anyway, ( I was thinking about what rhymes for some reason… its late. haha)
But that brings me to the notion that I have beaten minesweeper a few times. I feel very proud that I have done that.
On another note,
I had some very amazing talks today and continue to every day about the reason we play music, what music is in a sense of who we are, and the deepest expression from inside that results when we play music( and more intimately when we write music)
But while I teach I always mention david in the bible. Because I think that is a very good example of musical expression from the heart and how we should view worship music. In whole, that’s what Psalms is. Its music!! Hmm its late and ill be lucky if I finish before 12am if I keep going on this. But basically God gave us music to help us express ourselves to him and for that I am forever Thankful.
Speaking of, thanksgiving is coming up back in the states. Think about what your thankful of. Do we really give the proper reverence to the provider of the things which we have? I don’t think so. So instead of just having a wonderful dinner. Think about the many blessings God has given you.
The sheep who hates sin but loves people in his Shepherds name,
Ps im going to take a shower.