Wednesday, April 8, 2009


A hall people walk through is a place where no one sees actual people.
We pass by so many stories without noticing that they are actual living people. with stories!
It is a strange daily happening that we don't question wether we recognize other people actually have lives.

not the fact that theyre just living, but that they have a similar capacity of emotions no matter how dull, cold, dumb, or unemotional they are.

emotion may not be logic but its a reflection of our hearts and perception. Emotion can be wrong, but so can catalysts of emotion and those who cause it.

As humans we view others with conviction and with the notion that what ever they say must be hypocritical, when in fact by saying that very thing we are condemning ourselves. True justice thrives only where God is. And where he isnt it is sparse, if that.

Christians, i know the church sucks. its full of hypocrites, and theyre all in it for the money.

no. remember that theyre equally as evil as we are. romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" so with that said can we fight sin with more sin?

Love is a word that is overused and quite misunderstood. but we need to use Love. and love is
what? God! because God is love. so where God is absent, so is love(in whole, not just an idea of Love) . Ive said this a million times and i think you all are wondering when im going to stop posting things about love(the few who actually read)

but if you really look at it, we cant depend on our selfs to fix things, because we in our selfs, are dirty with out True Love. so we have to become empty vessels and serve the eternal Creator.

Let Go of what your holding on to. Worry no more, but Act on Love in every true and pure sense of the word. and Ask for the wisdom to read His Word. For God is not merely a feeling, He's God.

heres a few pictures i thought id just post.

The sheep who follows only One Shepherd ,
