Sunday, November 23, 2008

before the wedding(morning) and posting the day after while speaking in future tense! wohoo!

Hello again everyone! I hope your week has been great! Mine has.
So right now im getting ready to go to a wedding (its still morning right now. I will probably finish this at night!

Just a few things on my mind:
My dream(pretty intense. And a little disturbing. Haha I dreamt that I was an assassin and then I was on a duel trip with this other assassin and she went against me. And it was this epic fight against both of us. )
Taking a shower
Having new bed sheets is nice.
Having breakfast in my room.
How I cleaned my “house” (its two rooms and a bathroom. A sitting room, a bedroom, and el BaƱo. aka The bathroom ) and now its livable

A few things on my heart:
Getting back home
Teaching after college
Taking with my family ( fam and my best friends. )
Christmas, the birth of Jesus not just presents
Where the direction of my band is going. And the music behind it.
Being around a group of people who Love music and not just like it a lot.
Not having to be carful about cultural subtleties.
Remembering how I Love God, and remembering that as a result I love people. And I love these people

Ok. I just want you all to know that though there are something’s I don’t really like about being here. The Love God has for all people blots out anything that i don’t like.
I love these people and theres so much more I like about them than what I dislike.
But I think that everywhere there are things I don’t like. (I think that’s anywhere and with anyone) when you filled with the love of God he takes away all the things that are small and don’t matter, sometimes they are big things but when we look to God for shelter he’ll give it to you. If you seek Gods Love you will in turn love others without boundaries. But the thing I have been learning over here is that we have to Love God always. All the time, and give everything to him. Now, we hear these things and we really don’t understand what it means. It means calming down, it means not freaking out in times of trouble, it means putting our humanly instincts of fear and anger aside and not worrying about things even if we are about to be put in danger and know that God is in control and that His judgment is just, and not ours. What we think is right isn’t always the will of God kind of like revenge and expecting payment for things done wrong to us, or even thinking of it. Everything starts in our thoughts so even if we don’t carry out the things that we know are wrong we keep building up these bad thoughts until we actually do them. And the we wonder how we got to that state of being… you see, the devil plays with our emotions and uses them against us in the worst way, and we sometimes don’t even notice it. So we have to walk with Christ as our safeguard against the devil remember that in the gospels Jesus Christ raised the bar on what sin is. Its not just doing it but thinking about it.

Now, we have this connotation on the word “sin” as for when we here it, we think of people slamming bibles down and saying (in a southern televangelist voice that “heals” people and rids them of “demons”) “Turn Away From Sin!!! Be Healed!” and then he puts his hand on your head and pushes you to the floor… yeah…

The word sin actually means (you archers out there know what im talking about) to miss the mark. Pretend we are shooting an arrow and there is a target, the target is God and we shoot it about 300 feet to the left at someone eating a hot dog piercing the hot dog throwing it out of their hands and on the ground. All because a pretty girl walked by. Or a guy if you’re a girl… or maybe if your not. (hopefully not the case)
We have to go against our sin nature and we can because of Christ, remember that we are Sanctified by the blood (aka the death) of Christ, who conquered death and rose again, and who became the perfect sacrifice and died for the sins of us all who was the ONLY one to live a sinless life. Read philipians chapter 2 Vs. 6-11.
Really the whole book (not that big you can do it in one small sitting. )
Anyway, I have to take a shower.

Ok so im finishing this a day later. I have pictures too. But I think ill wait to put them on on a later time (probably tomorrow )
Anyway. I had an awesome time at the wedding and it was a lot of fun!
I hope you all have fun and are going to have an awesome time this week in the name of Jesus.

The sheep who thinks he will wait awhile before he gets married knowing that the shepherd has someone special just for him,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A wedding? cool. I havn't been to one in soo long. I think the last one I went to was my cousin's like 10 yrs ago ish. I remember it was fun. Oh yeah, I almost went to one in Mexico - we got invited. But I think we ended up doing something else.

I think being flexible kinda also goes along with what you're saying about being calm and not worried. There's so much peace when you put everything in God's hands and trust His judgment. Afterall, He knows so much more than we do.
We were talking the other day in my church class about how Jesus raised the bar on what sin is. About how even thinking of the sin is sin. Like how anger is like killing in the mind. Cuz most people don't think that they ever break the "do not kill" commandment but Jesus has a different idea. And same with lust, with the adultery commandment (especially with (unmarried) youth). I think many people try to justify that their sin is ok because it "doesn't break the 10 commandments" but yet, it's against God's will (by Jesus's teachings). I guess since God is the source of all Love, anything that goes against love is sin.

It's strange, I was thinking about this yesterday before I read this and I was going to write a blog about it. I think I still will. With a story.

I'm glad you're so close with your Shepherd =)