Sunday, October 26, 2008

How are you all?? anything i can do?

How are you? I’d just thought I’d ask you. So feel free to answer. This is a prayer request blog. So if you have any, email me or if you don’t mind them being posted just post them. Or if you have a facebook, these blogs go straight to there so you can send me a message or comment right there on the “Note.“
I also want you to know that I come to you with open arms. Anyone can talk with me without fear of being judged. (or the fear of being told on…)
But more importantly, I want you to know that I may be someone who loves that through God I get everything, but that I wouldn’t have love without God.
Now there is someone you can go to. Pray To God. He sent his son to one; relieve us of our iniquities and to lift the burden of sin from our backs, two; restore the relationship between us and him thus removing the barrier between us and him, * three; to fulfill the promises he made to many of the Jewish prophets long ago.
Because in 1 John 4:16 it says “God is Love” and in verse 19, “We Love because He first Loved us. “

*Meaning no other mediators, meaning there were enough in Jewish times and it doesn’t make sense that God sent his only son who was sent to not destroy the law but lift its hold off of our back so we could be able to go to heaven and if we bring them back putting rules and other mediators in there, Has it not become a religion instead of salvation? People claim that these things “help you get into heaven” when you only have to accept Jesus name. if you Believe that Gods word John 1 (Gospel John not Epistle) is his holy and inspired word than how can he contradict him self? Why wouldn’t it have been prophesized? Why would God send his only Son if it wasn’t enough?

(note: when for some reason I was spelling the word Jewish wrong I clicked spell check and it gave me the choice of “jewfish” yeah.. im not sure what that is. But it sounds really funny… I hope its not a derogatory haha)

Any way, I just wnt you all to know that im also going to post some videos of some songs I wrote. =) so yeah. Im sure some of you are excited and others… not so much. Haha but anyway.
Feel free to email me about anything too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Scott! I miss you so much and am enjoying reading your Blog, I'm so glad you set it up! Sounds like you had a really great trip to Kenya and Tanzania. Awesome that you got to finally set up your Drum Set. What do the locals think of how you play. Is it different than the stuff that they are used to? shoot me an e-mail if you get a chance. I think you have my e-mail but in case you don't remember it is Check out these pics of Graham in a cow costume! lol.

Love you so much and I'm praying for you everyday!! Can't wait to see you when you get back!

Love your big bro Chad

P.S. The weather is so nice for longboarding right now. too bad you don't have your board there to show some of the kids how to do it. Although you probably don't have the right kind of roads for it. :)